Home. Contact.
See: Global Marijuana March. ~600 different cities since 1999. First Saturday in May. City lists: 1999 2000 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 2010. 11 ...Search them. Add city name to search.
With less than 5% of world population the USA has over 2.4 million of 9.8 million world prisoners! The majority of U.S. inmates are in due to the drug war.
Most Republican leaders oppose cheap universal healthcare. 45,000 uninsured Americans die each year due to lack of health insurance.
Americans for Safe Access to medical cannabis (ASA). Some info and links concerning the June 6 2002 DEA Direct Action Day protests at DEA outposts in 54 cities. This is not an offiicial ASA page.
Mirrors 1. 2. Change mirror pages if problems.

*Table of Contents. After text loads, click topics below to find page info. Click TopLink, back button, or HomeKey to return here fast.

*ASA links, and email list.  
*More links.
*Santa Cruz. Raid heard worldwide.

*More ASA-related links.
*Related info and links.

*Drug War charts, and more.

ASA links, and email list archive. [TopLink]

*Americans for Safe Access (ASA).
http://safeaccessnow.org --ASA Homepage.
*ASA email list. Public archive. Please enable the list archive cookie in order to view the messages.
http://lists.riseup.net/www/info/asa ASA email list info.
http://lists.riseup.net/www/arc/asa ASA list archive
http://help.riseup.net/lists/list-subscribers/access How to access archives.
*Easy way to subscribe to the ASA email list:
http://lists.riseup.net/www/subscribe/asa --Just enter your email address.
Only the moderators can send email to the list. You might try sending email to the moderators. Click on the archived messages to see the moderator email addresses.

More links. [TopLink]

Latest news can be found at the first 2 links. Also, there are more links added after them - as they are found. This page has not been updated in awhile. 
Go to the ASA homepage for the latest news:
*The latest Medical Marijuana News from CannabisNews.com
*9-2002. Doonesbury political cartoons. Medical Marijuana Raids. September 30th - October 2nd 2002 series of cartoon.
*Sept. 23 2002. Sacramento medical cannabis rallies, 29 arrests, civil disobedience. Sacramento is the capital of California. Many PHOTOS, VIDEOS, articles. State Capitol building rally, and Federal Courthouse rally and civil disobedience.
https://www.angelfire.com/rnb/y/sacramento.htm and https://corporatism.tripod.com/sacramento.htm
*September 26 2002. DdC. Another D.E.A.th raid on the sick and dying... [Article links compilation. With intros].
*"Nearly 30 advocates for medical marijuana were arrested..." -Sacramento Bee article. Sept 23 2002 rally in Sacramento at State Capitol of California.
http://www.cannabisnews.com/news/thread14224.shtml and
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/cannabisaction/message/432 and
*"29 medical marijuana supporters were arrested Monday after they blocked the entrance to Sacramento's federal courthouse." -KTXL FOX40 News. Sept 23 2002 rally.
*VIDEO #2. Sacramento medical cannabis rally. 29 arrests. Sept 23 2002. State Capitol, California. Civil disobedience.
*VIDEO. Arrests. Sacramento medical cannabis rally. 29 arrests. State Capitol, California. September 23, 2002.
*National Medical Marijuana Protests -- September 23, 2002. PHOTOS from Washington D.C. and Sacramento California. Arrests for civil disobedience.
*US DC: Wire: Marijuana Protest Leads to Arrests at White House. Reuters article September 23, 2002.. Links to MORE PHOTOS.

Santa Cruz. Hundreds of media articles worldwide. Photos, too. [TopLink]

*Thank you Santa Cruz, California, for standing up! Shortcut link below will pull up many media articles about Santa Cruz cannabis, the DEA raid, the rally, the medical cannabis giveaway at City Hall, etc.. Just click the link below. It is updated as articles are added to the MAP-DrugNews archive:
*More such shortcuts can be created by following the formula, or using the specially-adapted search forms (that show similar shortcut URLs) found here:
https://www.angelfire.com/rnb/y/search.htm#map --formula.
https://www.angelfire.com/rnb/y/search.htm#get --search forms.
*Pictures From WAMM Protest on September 17, 2002. Santa Cruz medical cannabis giveaway. Over 1000 people rally. Including the mayor and city council members. Also, many media articles linked by FoM of CannabisNews.com
*WAMM Raided by DEA on September 5, 2002. Santa Cruz. Many media articles linked by FoM of CannabisNews.com
*WAMM - Wo/Men's Alliance for Medical Marijuana Home Page. Santa Cruz, California.

More ASA-related links. [TopLink]

ASA-related LINKS. Americans for Safe Access to medical cannabis. Links also include those concerning the June 6 2002 DEA Direct Action Day protests at DEA outposts in 54 cities.

*Americans for Safe Access (ASA).
http://safeaccessnow.org --ASA Homepage.
http://www.safeaccessnow.org/article.php?id=73 --Local Action Contacts.
http://safeaccessnow.org/newswire_detail.php?all=1 --Media reports.
http://lists.riseup.net/www/info/asa --ASA email list homepage.
http://safeaccessnow.org/newswire_detail.php?id=22 --DC Direct Action and 10 arrests. Reports, PHOTOS, VIDEO. Also, many 6/6 DEA protest reports nationwide linked in left column.

*More June 6 2002 Washington D.C. links and info on 10 arrests:
http://www.sinkers.org/dojdemoJun0602/ --Great compilation.
http://www.drugwar.com/pshellerinterview.shtm --Shawn Heller.
http://dc.indymedia.org/front.php3?article_id=24165 --Video thread.
http://dc.indymedia.org/front.php3?article_id=24119 --Breaking news.

*DRCNet; June 6th Medical Marijuana Actions: One Week Later. "According to press reports compiled by ASA and the Media Awareness Project [MAP], ... and Mintwood Media, the protests garnered at least 17 stories in local newspapers (12 of them major dailies) and at least 34 local TV news reports. But Mintwood's Eidinger told DRCNet that if syndicated news services, such as Conus, which feed stories to small local TV stations are included, the number of stories is probably greater than one hundred."
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/cannabisaction/message/145 --DRCNet article.
http://www.mapinc.org/alert/0243.html --MAP article.
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/cannabisaction/message/138 --"Operation Mockingbird today. White Rose. Re: Major Media Ignores National Protest Against DEA." Influences on the media operate through a combination of many subtle and not-so-subtle pressures, ideologies, groupthink, cultural biases, misinformation, government pressures, CIA and FBI associations, constant repetition, spin, corporatism, advertisers' pressures, boards of directors, interlocking board members, major shareholders' opinions, etc., etc.. Fox News and ClearChannel are the epitome of this corporatist groupthink. It pervades the major media such as the daily newspapers, and even many of the free weeklies. The daily newspapers and the free weeklies constitute the bulk of the archives at the excellent MAP-DrugNews. There are many other less-corporate or non-corporate news sources and archives for cannabis and drug news. See:

*Cannabis Action MMM email list and public archive. Some ASA-related email is publicly archived there:
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/cannabisaction --List homepage and public archive.

*CannabisNews.com - Many 6/6/2002 media, web, and other reports on DEA protests in 55 cities for medical cannabis. Also, the CannabisNews.com media articles are followed by MANY comments. Many of those are 6/6/2002 reports, too.

*Some Indymedia.org city sites have some ASA-related info. Add more! Don't hate the media. BE the media!


Related info and links. [TopLink]

*Medical Cannabis Links. Huge List! Revised. All health aspects. Uses, safety, studies groups, etc.. Many of these links are also lists of many more links.
https://corporatism.tripod.com/medlinks.htm and


Drug War charts, and more. [TopLink]