Home. Contact.
See: Global Marijuana March. ~600 different cities since 1999. First Saturday in May. City lists: 1999 2000 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 2010. 11 ...Search them. Add city name to search.
With less than 5% of world population the USA has over 2.4 million of 9.8 million world prisoners! The majority of U.S. inmates are in due to the drug war.
Most Republican leaders oppose cheap universal healthcare. 45,000 uninsured Americans die each year due to lack of health insurance.
News. Sites, sources, archives, search. Fair Use and Public Domain. Copyrighted versus non-copyrighted materials. Ways to copy, paste, and pass on material. Links to news and archive sites worldwide. 
Cannabis, drug, drug reform, and drug war news sites are on a separate page.
Mirrors 1. 2. Change mirror pages if problems.

*Table of Contents. After text loads, click topics below. Click TopLink, back button, or HomeKey to return here fast.

*NEWS search.

*NEWS. All types. Worldwide.
*NEWS. Non-profit and/or independent.
*NEWS. Directories worldwide.

*NEWS. Venezuela.
*NEWS. Canada.
*NEWS. Weirdness, high strangeness.

*Fair Use versus Public Domain.
*Fair Use notices. Various sources.
*Parody and free speech.

*Drug War charts, and more.

Introduction. [TopLink]

Some of the info on this page is old. It may still be interesting as history.


News search SEARCH. [TopLink]

*BBC news search. Can click "sort by date." BBC is nonprofit.
*CNN news search. http://www.cnn.com/SEARCH
*Google News search. http://news.google.com
*Guardian Unlimited | Archive Search. http://www.guardian.co.uk/Archive
*Yahoo! - News. http://dailynews.yahoo.com

See the Venezuela news section farther down for many more news search options.


News. All types. Worldwide. [TopLink]

Talking Heads of corporate television news.

News from around the world. All the websites below have world news in English, and nearly all have search features. At the bottom of the Yahoo archives of AP, Reuters, Agence France-Presse (AFP), and other news sites below are links or dropdown menus to select news from previous days.
*ABCNews.com has many categories. http://abcnews.com
*Agence France-Presse (AFP). http://sg.news.yahoo.com/world/afp.html
*Al Jazeera. (in English). http://www.aljazeerah.info
*albawaba.com - Middle East and North Africa. http://www.albawaba.com
*allAfrica.com http://allafrica.com/
*AltaVista. Powered by Moreover. http://news.altavista.com
*americas.org http://www.americas.org
*Associated Press (AP). http://dailynews.yahoo.com/h/ts/ap/?u
*Canada.com http://www.canada.com/news/
*CBC. Radio Canada. http://www.cbc.ca/news
*CNN.com http://cnn.com
*Daily Mirror. UK. http://www.mirror.co.uk
*EINnews.com 254+ countries. http://www.einnews.com
*Financial Times UK. http://news.ft.com/home/uk
*Google News. http://news.google.com
*Google News. In French. http://news.google.com/news/fr/fr/main.html
*HeadLiner.net http://headliner.net
*Independent. [UK]. http://www.independent.co.uk
*News.com - Tech News - CNET.com http://news.com
*NEWS.com.au Australian and world news. http://news.com.au
*News From Babylon. http://www.newsfrombabylon.com
*Oil and Gas International. http://www.oilandgasinternational.com
*People's Daily. English. http://english.peopledaily.com.cn
*Reuters. http://www.reuters.com
*Reuters. http://dailynews.yahoo.com/h/ts/nm/?u
*UPI. United Press International. http://www.upi.com
*UK2. News Service from UK2.NET - UK's Biggest Host. http://anews.co.uk
*UK's Sky News. http://uk.news.yahoo.com/211
*UK's Sky News, and front pages of newspapers in UK and USA.
*UmmahNews. News from around the Muslim world. http://www.ummahnews.com/index.php
*Wires. Off The Wire. Raw news. http://abcnews.go.com/wire/US/index.html
*Yahoo! - News. http://news.yahoo.com
*Yahoo! Asia News. http://asia.dailynews.yahoo.com/headlines
*Yahoo! Asia - News - World.
*Yahoo! Australia & NZ News.
*Yahoo! Regional>Countries>United Kingdom>News and Media>Newspapers.
*Yahoo! UK & Ireland News. http://uk.news.yahoo.com

*Yahoo! - News. Articles, full coverage, photos, videos, audio, etc.. One can also pick one area to search in. Photos search is a great tool to SEE what is going on concerning a particular event or activity anywhere in the world. The news articles pulled up at this site cover the full political spectrum, not just progressive news. This site is progressive because of its easy-to-use format, and its comprehensiveness. Note the Yahoo News homepage similarity to the "newswire" page format of Indymedia sites. Article summaries with thumbnail images are listed one after another. There are links to the full text of the articles and full-size photos. Video and audio links too.


NEWS. Worldwide. Non-profit and/or Independent sites. [TopLink]

Some sites below put out news themselves. Some of these sites just provide links to the articles. Some also archive the articles. "Fair Use" laws are used to legally archive copyrighted press and media articles. The key factor for being able to archive copyrighted media and press articles is that the site must be a nonprofit site. That means not having any commercial advertising such as commercial banner ads, etc.. The nonprofit and/or independent sites below are mostly progressive news sites that are oftentimes frequently updated with the latest news from around the world. The list is in alphabetical order.

*AlterNet.org http://www.alternet.org
*Antiwar.com http://www.antiwar.com
*BBC. Nonprofit news. Many languages. Text, video, audio, photos, archives.
-Homepage: http://www.bbc.co.uk News: http://news.bbc.co.uk
*Centre for Research on Globalization.
*ConsortiumNews.com http://www.consortiumnews.com
*Counterpunch.com http://www.counterpunch.com/
*Cryptome. http://cryptome.org
*Democracy Now! http://www.democracynow.org
*Democracy NOW! http://www.webactive.com/webactive/pacifica/demnow
*Disinfo.com http://www.disinfo.com
*Environmental News Service. http://ens-news.com
*Flashpoints Radio. KPFA FM 94.1, Berkeley USA.
Streaming audio. Daily news, links, photos, archives.
*Free Speech Internet Television.
*From the Wilderness.
*Green Left Weekly. Australia.
*GreensWeek. http://www.gp.org/greensweek/index.html
*Guardian. Nonprofit. Scott Trust. http://www.guardian.co.uk
*Guardian Unlimited Observer. Nonprofit. http://www.observer.co.uk
*Guerrilla News Network.
*Independent Media Centers.
*Independent Media Centers. Nonprofit. http://www.indymedia.org
*Index on Censorship: Latest News. http://www.indexonline.org
*InfoShop.org news. http://www.infoshop.org/inews/stories.php
*InfoShop.org prison news.
*InfoWars.com http://www.infowars.com
*Inter Press Service News Agency. (nonprofit). http://ipsnews.net
*Macrocosm USA.
*Memes.org mind viruses. http://www.memes.org or http://memes.org
*Memory Hole. http://www.thememoryhole.org
*Le Monde diplomatique. (in English) http://mondediplo.com
*MichaelMoore.com News and Info. http://www.michaelmoore.com/news/must-read/index.php
*News Insider. http://web11.superb.net/www.nodomain.com
*NPR. National Public Radio.
*Radio Canada International.
*Scoop - New Zealand News.
*TomPaine.com http://tompaine.com
*truthout, News Politics.
*YellowTimes.org http://yellowtimes.org
*ZNet. http://www.zmag.org/weluser.htm


*kuro5hin.org || technology and culture, from the trenches.
*Politech: Declan McCullagh's technology and politics list and archive.

*Macrocosm USA. "a non-profit educational clearinghouse emphasizing environmental, justice, peace, health issues and solutions for progressives."

*Cryptome. "Cryptome welcomes documents for publication that are prohibited by governments worldwide, in particular material on cryptology, dual-use technologies, national security and intelligence, but not limited to those. ... Cryptome offers a CD of its complete archive from June 1996 to .... Over 6,000 files, with hyperlinked lists of contents; ~300MB total. Free to students and libraries in any country; others with cash to dump: suggested $100 donation -- but really not required (Cryptome is not a biz)."


Directories of news media worldwide. [TopLink]

Websites with many links to other news and media sites.

*Bourque.com http://www.bourque.org
*CommonDreams.org http://www.commondreams.org
*Konformist.com http://www.konformist.com
*MediaCult.com http://www.themediacult.com

*Association of Alternative Newsweeklies.
http://aan.org --homepage.

*Canadian Radio Stations Sorted by Province. Radio-Locator.

*Canadian TV Stations... SomewhereInCanada.com

*Flashpoints Radio. KPFA FM 94.1, Berkeley USA.
Streaming audio. Daily news, links, photos, archives.

*Google Directory - News. Alternative Media (573) Analysis and Opinion (73) Breaking News (76) By Subject (344) Colleges and Universities (646) Columnists (271) Current Events (864) Directories (135) Internet Broadcasts (56) Journals (50) Magazines and E-zines (544) Media (1134) Newspapers (3395) Online Archives (40590) Personalized News (34) Politics (191) Radio (207) Regional (9) Satire (137) Services (156) Television (67) Weather (257)

*High Times Dick Cheney Blog. Bloggin in a Bunker. See left column of links Dick hates.

*MediaChannel.org - Global News Index: Find newspapers and news sites worldwide with quick links to more than 600 news sources sorted by region and country.

*Kidon Media-Link. Media link lists. By nation or state.

*MAP Media Email Directory. Also lists websites, forums, etc. for each newspaper, magazine, etc. listed. Searchable by media name, or can choose a state or country, and get a comprehensive clickable media list for that state or nation.

*News and Resources.

*News, newsletters, newspapers online. Education and community. Many links.

*NORML -- Media Guide. By name, state, zip code, etc.. A "compose message" form too. To send to up to 5 media outlets at a time.


News. Venezuela. [TopLink]

Current news links follow the short historical introduction. Follow the money! Don't focus only on the leaders. Leaders come and go. Leaders are often corrupted or removed. It's frequently about the oil!

Venezuela's oil coup-strike-lockout for the rich! Late 2002 to early 2003 historical info:

*Venezuela oil coup-lockout. In 1974 80% of oil income went to the state. Today (early 2003) 80% of Venezuelan oil income goes to the rich, and to "operating costs." Only 20% goes to the state. Chavez reforms will help reverse this in 2003. This is why the coup-plotters are in such a hurry to overthrow the fairly-elected Chavez government, to prevent these reforms, and to reverse others already-implemented. Reforms that help the poor and lower middle class. "All of Venezuela's private television stations and national newspapers are owned by the opposition, and all are employed to deliver an unadulterated flow of anti-Chávez propaganda." They ignore and belittle rallies with hundreds of thousands of pro-Chavez supporters. Massive corporate-media disinformation, destabilization campaign. Fight media disinformation, Cisneros media empire worldwide, etc.. 
http://sf.indymedia.org/news/2002/12/1555816.php Older version. Comments add latest Venezuela news sites, search shortcuts.
http://nyc.indymedia.org/front.php3?article_id=43838 --Later version with more excerpts from articles.
http://belgium.indymedia.org/front.php3?article_id=45467 --Media war. Cisneros media empire, etc..

Venezuela news sources. Old and new information:

Some sites listed below also have search engines onsite that index daily.
http://www.elistas.net/lista/lea/archivo (Spanish, English). Venezuela environmental email list archive.
http://www.venezuelanalysis.com Comprehensive. Site search, too.
http://www.zmag.org/venezuela_watch.cfm ZNet's Venezuela Watch.
http://www.zmag.org/venezuela_watch.htm ZNet's Venezuela Watch.
http://www.vheadline.com Venezuela's Electronic News.
http://www.fuego.net (English, Spanish). Charles Hardy - Cowboy in Caracas.
http://www.venezuelafoia.info Investigates U.S. meddling in Venezuela.
http://www.chavezthefilm.com "The Revolution Will Not Be Televised."
Onsite search. Some URLs indicate year and month.
http://www.guardian.co.uk/venezuela Comprehensive Venezuela compilation.
http://www.guardian.co.uk/venezuela/archive Chronological link list.
(English, Spanish, Portuguese, French).
http://www.alainet.org/venezuela.phtml (English, Spanish, Portuguese, French). Venezuela page.
http://www.thegully.com/essays/venezuela/021220_media_mindshock.html See links to mid-left of page.
http://www.narconews.com (English, Spanish).
http://www.narconews.com/docs/ven_archive.php3 Narco News: Venezuela Full Coverage.
http://www.flashpoints.net KPFA Flashpoints Radio. Text, photos, audio.
http://www.petroleumworld.com (English, Spanish). Latin American Energy, Oil and Gas.
http://www.oilandgasinternational.com (English).
http://www.aporrea.org (Spanish). Venezuela news.
http://www.aporrea.org/english.php (English) Link compilation.
http://www.americas.org/venezuela Up-to-date Venezuela news links.
http://www.commondreams.org Use onsite search for daily indexing. URL indicates exact date.
http://www.einnews.com/venezuela Must pay monthly fee.
http://italy.indymedia.org/features/guerreglobali/#395 (Italian). Venezuela news link compilation.
http://belgium.indymedia.org/front.php3?article_id=44547 (English, French, Dutch). Link compilation.
http://sf.indymedia.org (English, Spanish) Onsite search engine returns many Venezuela articles and comments.

Progressive news search engine. Choose a site from the dropdown window below. This Google search form below can sometimes be emailed in HTML (color and graphics) email. Or just send the URL of the page where you found this. You can also click "save" in the file menu of your browser. This will save it to your computer for use anytime you are online. It is easy to add or delete site choices in the search form below. Just look at the HTML code in any web page editor.

Google-Search Venezuela news sites. Choose site. Enter search terms such as "venezuela" etc.. Put quotes around phrases. Click the search button. After the search you can click the "News" tab for more results from thousands of news sites indexed daily by Google News. Google News search works differently from the standard Google search. Some sites (such as MotherJones.com, NarcoNews.com, Guardian.co.uk) are indexed daily by Google News. After standard Google searches you can click the "News" tab, and then you can delete site: from the left half of the relevant search term. Then search Google News again. If Google indexes that particular news site then this may pull up results from or about that site. You can also substitute inurl: for site: as a way to use Google News to pull up only articles with that term in the URL. For the very latest news and info you may have to go to the websites directly, and browse there, or use their site search engines there if they have one. At the bottom of this webpage you are reading now there may be other Google search boxes, and more info. The search term "venezuela" is unnecessary in the search box below if you search a site that focuses on Venezuela.
Choose news site:
Enter more search terms. Put quotes around phrases:

Search shortcuts to pass on. To pull up results only from specific websites. Sometimes this is easier or more convenient than passing on, or linking to, a specialized search form. The links below can even be passed on in plain-text email. Click any of the links below. You can also go to the specific websites themselves for the very latest news.

SEARCH Venezuela news sources. Standard Google searches. Click, and then add/substitute additional search terms.
http://google.com/search?q=venezuela+site:alainet.org (English, Spanish, Portuguese, French).
http://google.com/search?q=venezuela+site:americas.org (English).
http://google.com/search?q=venezuela+site:aporrea.org (Spanish).
http://google.com/search?q=venezuela+site:chavezthefilm.com (English).
http://google.com/search?q=venezuela+site:commondreams.org (English).
http://google.com/search?q=venezuela+site:einnews.com (English).
http://google.com/search?q=venezuela+site:flashpoints.net (English).
http://google.com/search?q=venezuela+site:fuego.net (English, Spanish).
http://google.com/search?q=venezuela+site:guardian.co.uk (English).
http://google.com/search?q=venezuela+site:indybay.org San Francisco Indymedia. (English, Spanish).
http://google.com/search?q=venezuela+site:motherjones.com (English).
http://google.com/search?q=venezuela+site:narconews.com (English, Spanish).
http://google.com/search?q=venezuela+site:petroleumworld.com (English).
http://google.com/search?q=venezuela+site:thegully.com (English).
http://google.com/search?q=venezuela+site:venezuelafoia.info (English, Spanish).
http://google.com/search?q=venezuela+site:venezuelanalysis.com (English).
http://google.com/search?q=venezuela+site:vheadline.com (English).
http://google.com/search?q=venezuela+site:zmag.org (English).


Please note: Google News uses a different method to search specific sites.

Google News. Very up-to-date Venezuela news. Daily indexing.
http://google.com/news?q=venezuela Around 4000 Google News sites. Can also click "sort by date."
http://google.com/news?q=venezuela+source:common_dreams (English).
http://google.com/news?q=venezuela+source:guardian (English).
http://google.com/news?q=venezuela+source:mother_jones (English).
http://google.com/news?q=venezuela+source:the_narco_news_bulletin (English, Spanish).
http://google.com/news?q=venezuela+source:venezuela_electronic_news (English).


News. Canada. [TopLink]




News. Weirdness and high strangeness. [TopLink]

*Anomalies Network. http://www.anomalies.net
*Armageddon Online. http://armageddononline.org
*Coast to Coast AM.
*ForteanTimes.com http://forteantimes.com
*Jeff Rense Program.
http://www.nexusmagazine.com or http://nexusmagazine.com
*PortalofEvil.com http://www.portalofevil.com
*Unknown Country.


Fair Use versus Public Domain. [TopLink]

"Fair Use" laws do not apply to "Public Domain" articles. See the section farther down about fair use.

"Public Domain" means the expression is NOT copyrighted. It means that no rights are reserved, and that the materials can't be copyrighted in the future. So the materials can be posted anywhere in any form, whether revised or not. Once an expression is declared to be in the public domain, it loses all copyright protections, and anybody can use the expression in any way. So, fair use laws that limit how copyrighted materials can be republished do not apply to public domain materials.


"Fair use" notices from various locations. [TopLink]

Common Dreams NewsCenter - News & Views for the Progressive Community

Quotes from website begin:

"Common Dreams NewsCenter is a non-profit news service
providing breaking news and views for the Progressive Community."

"FAIR USE NOTICE: This site contains copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in our efforts to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. We believe this constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.shtml If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond 'fair use', you must obtain permission from the copyright owner."


Here is a short quote that was attached to the end of a copyrighted article submitted by a reader to a non-profit activist website that solicits reader submissions:

*** NOTICE: In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section
107, this material is distributed without profit to those who have
expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and
educational purposes. Feel free to distribute widely but PLEASE
acknowledge the source. ***


Here is the notice found on the bottom of press article pages at CannabisNews.com

In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107 and The Berne Convention on Literary and Artistic Works, Article 10, news clippings on this site are made available without profit for research and educational purposes. Any trademarks, trade names, service marks, or service names used on this site are the property of their respective owners.


Parody and free speech. [TopLink]

"There ought to be limits to freedom. We're aware of this site, and this guy is just a garbage man, that's all he is." -- George W. Bush, discussing a web site that parodies him.
http://www.gwbush.com ___
Many fun facts and banners can be found at gwbush.com

gwbush.com ___
*Names of inmates in Texas being held for offenses which are no longer punishable by prison time.
http://www.egroups.com/message/drugwarnews/288 ___
*Bush Campaign Loses Bid To Censor Web Site. Parody site wins at Federal Election Commission. April 20, 2000 in Washington Post:
http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v00.n531.a07.html ___
*Parody as a Protected Form of Speech. "I'm your host Jamin B. Raskin, a professor of Constitutional Law at American University, in Washington, D.C., and co-director of its Program on Law and Government. I'll be writing a weekly column and participating in the USLaw.com Community."


Drug war charts, and more. [TopLink]