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See: Global Marijuana March. ~600 different cities since 1999. First Saturday in May. City lists: 1999 2000 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 2010. 11 ...Search them. Add city name to search.
With less than 5% of world population the USA has over 2.4 million of 9.8 million world prisoners! The majority of U.S. inmates are in due to the drug war.
Most Republican leaders oppose cheap universal healthcare. 45,000 uninsured Americans die each year due to lack of health insurance.
Buenos Aires, Argentina MMM 2003 and 2004. Million Marijuana March. Music helped draw 12,000 on May 4, 2003, for cannabis liberation and harm reduction drug reform. This was one of the largest MMM 2003 rallies worldwide, according to available info. 3000 came to a banned, suppressed, cancelled MMM 2004 (3000 is still an impressive number). For more info:
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Buenos Aires, Argentina MMM. May 4, 2003. Rosedal de Palermo park. Argentina Harm Reduction Association. Asociacion de Reduccion de Danos de la Argentina (ARDA). http://www.arda.iwarp.com ~ http://www.infoarda.org.ar ~ arda"at"fibertel.com.ar ~ Presidente: Dra. Silvia Inchaurraga sinchaur"at"agatha.unr.edu.ar (54-341) 420-1291. ~ Secretario General: Lic. Gustavo Hurtado ghurtado"at"fibertel.com.ar (54-11)15-5389-0266. ~ 10,000 to 12,000 people! One of largest MMM 2003 events worldwide! Google search shortcut for ARDA:
MMM 2003 photos and reports:

Buenos Aires MMM. Sunday, May 4, 2003.

Music, and 2003 cannabis rally wrapup. Photos.

Buenos Aires MMM 2003.=>

Music drew big crowds at Buenos Aires and Prague MMM events in early May 2003, and at Seattle Hempfest in August 2003. After the links below there follow some Buenos Aires photos and reports from the May 2003 MMM. Including photos of the Buenos Aires music stage, and the MMM/drug reform speakers and T-shirts on that stage. Million Marijuana March events occurred in around 235 MMM cities worldwide in May 2003!

185,000 people rallied in August 2003 in Seattle, Washington! Music seems to be a big factor in drawing big crowds. Thousands were drawn by music at the May 2003 MMM in Prague in the Czech Republic. 12,000 came to the Buenos Aires MMM 2003 in Argentina. Much to learn from the article and photo links just below. Seattle Hempfest history since 1991. Some Prague MMM 2003 photos (need working links to the evening music stage photos). First link below is a compilation of Seattle Hempfest history since 1991.
http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/cannabisaction/message/933 -Seattle.
http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/local/135443_dope18.html Press article.
http://www.seattlehempfest.com/history.php -Seattle history.
http://www.seattlehempfest.com/2003.php -Seattle 2003.
http://www.seattlehempfest.com/ -Seattle home.
http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/mmmreports/message/37 -Prague photos.
http://www.legalizace.cz/index.php?clanekid=280 -Prague photos.
http://www.techno.cz/party/fotky.php?dir=2003/0503mmm_golem -Prague photos.
http://www.technisco.cz/fotky.php?cestaf=Keepsmile/2003/0503Legalizace -Prague photos.


Buenos Aires, Argentina MMM photos (large and small), and links, from May 2003:

Please send in more MMM photos and reports about the MMM 2003 in Buenos Aires. It got 12,000 people according to reports and a newspaper article. It may have been the largest MMM rally in 2003. The first link below has an English translation of the newspaper article with the small photo above to the right..
http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/cannabisaction/message/914 -English and Spanish.
http://www.pagina12web.com.ar/diario/sociedad/3-19691-2003-05-05.html -Spanish newspaper article.
The Latin Americanization of the Million Marijuana March. May 11 2003 article. Excerpt below. Emphasis added.
http://www.narconews.com/Issue30/article779.html -Full article in English.
http://www.narconews.com/Issue30/articulo779.html -Full article in Spanish.

According to the daily Página 12 in Buenos Aires, the rally to legalize marijuana in that city drew 12,000 people. ...   In Buenos Aires, speaking to the multitude in the Rosedal de Palermo park, Gustavo Hurtado of ARDA (Harm Reduction Association of Argentina) said:

“The repressive policies [of drug prohibition], the prosecution of personal possession of small amounts of drugs as a serious crime, and makes drug users into criminals. This keeps them out of the healthcare system and only increases the potential for harm and the risks of HIV/AIDS transmission.”

Like many policies pursued by the US administration, he said, drug prohibition is an “irrational aggression.” The central message of the Buenos Aires march, said Hurtado, was to “say no to the war on drugs, and say no to the war on drug users.”
----end of excerpt from NarcoNews.com article----

Buenos Aires, Argentina MMM 2003 photos for Sunday May 4, 2003:


More Buenos Aires MMM 2003 photos. Click the photos to enlarge:

Rough Google translation of comment under photo number 1 at the link just above:
Million Marijuana March (Buenos Aires)#1
Description: All these photographs correspond to the march and sitting that was made in Buenos Aires the 4 of May of 2003. It is spoken of near 10 thousand assistants to the event that with his presence they wanted to demonstrate to his total disagreement to the present effective system of laws in Argentina with respect to the plant friend. The Association of Reduction of Damages of Argentina (ARDA) with the collaboration of Network RADDUD summoned this march to demand the following points:

* To legalize the drug possession for personal consumption (To countermand art. 14 of the law 23.737)
* To stop the arrests by marijuana consumption
* Coarse of lies
* Let us defend the scientific research of the therapeutic uses of the cannabis
* Let us help the patients whom they require of the therapeutic use of the marijuana

Million Marijuana March (Buenos Aires)#1
Descripción: Todos estas fotografías corresponden a la marcha y sentada que se realizó en Buenos Aires el 4 de Mayo de 2003. Se habla de cerca de 10 mil asistentes al evento que con su presencia quisieron demostrar su total disconformidad al actual sistema de leyes vigente en Argentina respecto a la planta amiga. La Asociación de Reducción de Daños de la Argentina (ARDA) con la colaboración de la Red RADDUD convocaron dicha marcha para reclamar los siguientes puntos:

* Despenalizar la tenencia de drogas para consumo personal (Derogar el art. 14 de la ley 23.737)
* Detener los arrestos por consumo de marihuana
* Basta de mentiras
* Defendamos la investigación científica de los usos terapéuticos del cannabis
*Ayudemos a los enfermos que requieren del uso terapéutico de la marihuana


Google translation tools. Just paste in URL of page to be translated. Choose language to translate page into.


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