Home. Contact.
See: Global Marijuana March. ~600 different cities since 1999. First Saturday in May. City lists: 1999 2000 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 2010. 11 ...Search them. Add city name to search.
With less than 5% of world population the USA has over 2.4 million of 9.8 million world prisoners! The majority of U.S. inmates are in due to the drug war.
Most Republican leaders oppose cheap universal healthcare. 45,000 uninsured Americans die each year due to lack of health insurance.
2003 MMM alphabetical city list.MMM Links. Million Marijuana March. Weekend of first Saturday in May. Worldwide since 1999. Global March for Cannabis Liberation. MMM flyers and posters, media coverage, reports, MMM history, etc.. Global Marijuana March.
Wikia: http://cannabis.wikia.com/wiki/Global_Marijuana_March
Mirrors 1. 2. Change mirror pages if problems. 

*Table of Contents. After text loads, click topics below. Click TopLink, back button, or HomeKey to return here fast.

*MMM alphabetical city lists.
*1999 - 2004 MMM rally reports.
*MMM search shortcuts.
*CannabisNews.com searches.

*Flyers, posters, banners, photos.
*More MMM links.

*MMM forums and email lists.
*MMM pages. How-to, FAQs, etc..

*Drug War charts, and more.

Introduction. [TopLink]

Many more GMM-MMM links! Add links yourself here:
http://cannabis.wikia.com/wiki/Global_Marijuana_March and


MMM city lists, charts, info, links. [TopLink]

*MMM cities. Million Marijuana March. Global Cannabis Liberation Day. First Saturday in May. Since 1999.

*2004 MMM. Confirmed cities. For weekend of May 1st worldwide. Million Marijuana March. Global March for Cannabis Liberation. Rallies, marches, concerts, and raves. Worldwide since 1999. 1st Saturday in May, or anytime during or near that weekend. May 1, 2004. May 3, 2003. May 4, 2002. May 5, 2001. May 6, 2000. May 1, 1999.
http://www.geocities.com/tents444/mmm2004.htm and

*2004 MMM city list CHART. With Country, State, City, Organization Name, eMail, Contact Phone, and Website. All on one page.

*2003 MMM city list. Most complete MMM city and contact list. With website links. This MMM 2003 city list also has MMM 2002 crowd size numbers for many cities. List of 235 cities is frozen in place from around May 3 2003.
https://www.angelfire.com/rnb/y/mmm2003.htm and

*2003 MMM city list. FreddieFreak.com list of cities - many of which are clickable and link to web pages.

*MMM 2002, Cannabis Liberation Day, Million Marijuana March. Alphabetical list of 199 cities is frozen in place from around May 4 2002.
https://www.angelfire.com/rnb/y/mmm2002.htm  and

*2002 MMM city list. FreddieFreak.com list of cities - many of which are clickable and link to web pages.

*2001 MMM city list. CHART.

*2001 MMM city list. Listed in various places . Alphabetical order. 119 cities.
http://sf.indymedia.org/news/2001/05/100380.php and
http://atlanta.indymedia.org/display.php3?article_id=1303 and
http://www.cannabinoid.com/boards/thd20x10.shtml and
http://boards.marihemp.com/boards/message.shtml?1x36304 and

*2001 MMM city list. In several formats. Scroll down the page. Poster, too.

*2000 MMM city list. Alphabetical order. 104 cities.
https://www.angelfire.com/rnb/y/links.htm and
http://web.archive.org/web/20000815094135/www.schmoo.co.uk/world.htm and
http://boards.marihemp.com/boards/msg1x25050.shtml and

*1999 MMM city list. Alphabetical order. 30 cities.
https://corporatism.tripod.com/mmm1999.htm and

Microsoft Word or the freeware AbiWord can count all the cities in the MMM city lists. Click "word count" in the tools menu. Its results give the paragraph count. One per city. The freeware NoteTab can do this too. Use the "Text Statistics" command in the Tools menu. Then click the "More" button. Then go to the bottom of the results in order to see the number of paragraphs. Divide by 2 if there are blank lines between the MMM city paragraphs. All 3 programs require that line breaks within paragraphs be eliminated first. See the how-to section of the MMM Links page for this info and much more:
https://corporatism.tripod.com/mmmlinks.htm#how and


1999 to 2004 MMM cannabis rally reports. [TopLink]

There are also many MMM reports and photos on the web pages linked on the pages in the section above.

*MMM reports. Million Marijuana March. Global Cannabis Liberation Day. First Saturday in May. Since 1999.

*Please send in personal or published MMM rally reports to Dana Beal
dana@cures-not-wars.org and to the MMM Reports email list and public archive:

*MMM rally reports.
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/mmmreports --Public archive.

*2004 MMM rally reports, links, and compilations.
https://www.angelfire.com/rnb/y/mmm2004rep.htm and
http://freedomtoexhale.com/million.htm --FoM (of CannabisNews.com) compilation.

*2004 MMM rally reports archive.

*2004 MMM. Freddie Freak (of Norway) compilation of worldwide reports.
*MMM 2003. Buenos Aires, Argentina MMM. Million Marijuana March. Music drew 12,000 for cannabis liberation and harm reduction drug reform. This rally and the London MMM were the largest MMM 2003 rallies worldwide, according to available info.
https://corporatism.tripod.com/buenosaires.htm and

*2003 MMM Norway reports.
Oslo. http://normal.no/mmm/2003/oslo.html
Stavanger. http://normal.no/mmm/2003/stavanger.html
Bergen. http://normal.no/mmm/2003/bergen.html
Trondheim. http://normal.no/mmm/2003/trondheim.php

*2003 MMM. Rally reports worldwide. Various compilations.
http://freedomtoexhale.com/million.htm --FoM (of CannabisNews.com) compilation. 2003 in last half.
http://www.cannabisculture.com/articles/3153.html CannabisCulture.com world wrap-up.

*2003 MMM rally reports archive.

*2003 MMM rally reports for German-speaking nations. Translated into English:
http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/mmmreports/message/34 and

*2003 MMM. German-language reports chart. Click 2003 column links to go to entries farther down the page.

*2003 MMM rally reports worldwide. High Times article:
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/mmmreports/message/30 --Archive.
http://www.hightimes.com/htsite/news/content.php?page=news_03050821 and with comments:

*2002 MMM rally reports archive.

*2002 MMM. Freddie Freak (of Norway) has a compilation of links to MMM 2002 rally reports worldwide. You can also click his homepage page link below, and then click the MMM 2002 link sometimes found there:

*2002 MMM. Rally reports worldwide. Various compilations.
http://www.freedomtoexhale.com/million.htm --FoM (of CannabisNews.com) compilation.
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/mmmreports/message/27 --Compilation archive.
http://www.cannabisculture.com/articles/2588.html CannabisCulture.com world wrap-up.
http://web.archive.org/web/*/http://www.schmoo.co.uk/world.htm Wayback-Machine-archived wrap-up.

*2001 MMM. CannabisCulture.com world wrap-up.

*2001 MMM. Rally reports worldwide. Preston Peet compilation.
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/mmmreports/message/29 and

*2001 MMM. Freddie Freak (of Norway) compilation of worldwide reports.

*MMM 2000. Also A16, J4J3. Drug war protests worldwide.
____Alphabetical rally reports for 2000. Photos, audio, video____

-- May 6. MMM. Million Marijuana March, Cannabis 2000. 104 cities.
-- April 15. A16 prison industrial complex rally. Washington DC.
-- March 2000. J4J3. Journey for Justice 3. Florida. Medical cannabis.
https://corporatism.tripod.com/links.htm and

*2000 MMM. Compilations of rally reports worldwide. 
http://www.freedomtoexhale.com/mmnes20.htm FoM (of CannabisNews.com) compilation.
http://www.cures-not-wars.org/mmm/wwca.html City list and reports compilation.

*1999 MMM rally reports and city list. Alphabetical order. 30 cities.
https://corporatism.tripod.com/mmm1999.htm and

*1999 MMM. Rally reports worldwide. FoM ( of CannabisNews.com) compilation.



MMM search shortcuts. Google, Google News, CannabisNews, MAP, etc.. [TopLink]

After clicking the links below you can delete the quotes around "million marijuana march" and get even more results by searching again.

*CannabisCulture.com MMM articles shortcut:

Some Google News search shortcuts for MMM. Google News archives news links for a few weeks. So it is important to archive the actual media articles elsewhere on nonprofit sites such as CannabisNews.com or MAP-DrugNews or other nonprofit sites. The shortcuts will probably not pull up any more MMM articles by early June. The top 3 shortcuts are the same shortcut written 3 different ways. Only the top 2 of the 3 will be consistently made clickable in most email. Google will use the search term marijuana-day to pull up Marijuana-Day or Marijuana Day. It will NOT pull up MarijuanaDay (no space). The search term marijuanaday will NOT pull up Marijuana-Day or Marijuana Day. The search term jay-day will pull up Jay-Day or Jay Day. It will NOT pull up JayDay (no space). The search term jayday will NOT pull up Jay-Day or Jay Day.
http://news.google.com/news?q=marijuana-day+|+cannabis-rally+|+marijuana-march+|+cannabis-liberation is same as:
http://news.google.com/news?q=marijuana-day+OR+cannabis-rally+OR+marijuana-march+OR+cannabis-liberation or

http://news.google.com/news?q=cannabis-festival (i.e. Birmingham and London. UK).
http://news.google.com/news?q=marijuana+OR+cannabis+OR+dagga+OR+marihuana General cannabis news.

Shortcut below pulls up results with: marijuana OR cannabis OR dagga AND rally OR protest OR liberation

More Google News search shortcuts to try:
http://news.google.com/news?q=%22Million+Marijuana+March%22 and
http://news.google.com/news?q=cannabis+rally and
http://news.google.com/news?q=marijuana+rally and

*MMM search shortcuts for the web. Search all years or specific years.
http://google.com/search?q="million+marijuana+march" and
http://google.com/search?q=2004+"million+marijuana+march" and
http://google.com/search?q=2003+"million+marijuana+march" and
http://google.com/search?q=2002+"million+marijuana+march" and
http://google.com/search?q=2001+"million+marijuana+march" and
http://google.com/search?q=2000+"million+marijuana+march" and
http://google.com/search?q=1999+"million+marijuana+march" and

*Google search of CannabisNews.com -- Note that the MMM phrase or the year may be from a comment, and not from the article itself.
http://google.com/search?q=site:cannabisnews.com+"million+marijuana+march" and
http://google.com/search?q=site:cannabisnews.com+1999+"million+marijuana+march" 1999
http://google.com/search?q=site:cannabisnews.com+2000+"million+marijuana+march" 2000
http://google.com/search?q=site:cannabisnews.com+2001+"million+marijuana+march" 2001
http://google.com/search?q=site:cannabisnews.com+2002+"million+marijuana+march" 2002
http://google.com/search?q=site:cannabisnews.com+2003+"million+marijuana+march" 2003
http://google.com/search?q=site:cannabisnews.com+2004+"million+marijuana+march" 2004

*For more Google help, search tips, advanced search, and many more options:
http://www.google.com/help/ and

*Google search of MAP/DrugNews. Not many MMM media articles were sent in to MAP until 2002. Though there were many MMM media articles worldwide starting in at least 2000.
http://google.com/search?q=site:mapinc.org+"million+marijuana+march" and
http://google.com/search?q=site:mapinc.org+"million+marijuana+march"+v99 1999
http://google.com/search?q=site:mapinc.org+"million+marijuana+march"+v00 2000
http://google.com/search?q=site:mapinc.org+"million+marijuana+march"+v01 2001
http://google.com/search?q=site:mapinc.org+"million+marijuana+march"+v02 2002
http://google.com/search?q=site:mapinc.org+"million+marijuana+march"+v03 2003
http://google.com/search?q=site:mapinc.org+"million+marijuana+march"+v04 2004

Some less specific search terms are used in these search shortcuts using the MAP-DrugNews Power Search form. These search shortcuts are set to search from April 24 through May 31 of each year. 4-24-03 through 5-31-03, for example. Add the following text below to this URL address:

Click the links below to see the yearly search results:










CannabisNews.com MMM search shortcuts. [TopLink]

MMM search shortcut for CannabisNews.com archives. Results in chronological order. Latest on top. Unfortunately, some results are for MMM mentioned only in a comment.

*CannabisNews.com press and media archives. Expanded search form.

The expanded CannabisNews search form has a checkbox for phrase searching. Or you can add "&PS=on" to the search shortcut URL. In either case phrase searching is not perfect, because when searching for 3 or more terms, the search engine pulls up articles with any of the terms adjacent to one of the other terms. All the terms must be in the article or comments somewhere though. But not necessarily all 3 terms adjacent to each other. 2 adjacent seems to be enough.

You can set it to pull up any number of articles up to the maximum number of articles allowed (320). Just add &H=320 (or a number under 320) to the search shortcut.

Results are in chronological order. The default order for results is by date of the article (not the comments). So it is fairly easy to figure out the year of the article by running your cursor over the result URLs and noting the numbers.

This sometimes produces better results than using Google MMM search shortcuts for CannabisNews, and with a specific year in the search shortcut. Google results do not arrive in chronological order of the articles. So it can be difficult to find the year of an article without opening the article. Because the search term for the year may only be found in the comments. Comments will sometimes mention years other than the year of the article.

The CannabisNews search engine searches the articles AND the comments. So some pages are pulled up in which the search terms are found only in the comments.

Open the article. You can use the "find" command in the edit menu of your browser to locate whether the search phrase "million marijuana march" is in the article or in the comments.


Flyers, posters, banners, photos, etc.. [TopLink]

*MMM images. Million Marijuana March. Global Cannabis Liberation Day. First Saturday in May. Since 1999.
https://corporatism.tripod.com/mmmimages.htm and

*Many MMM photos via Google search shortcut.

*MMM flyers, posters, banners, etc.. By mail, download, or on the web.
http://www.cures-not-wars.org and
http://www.cures-not-wars.org/gallery/ThumbnailFrame.html --Click images to enlarge.
http://images.google.com/images?q=%22million+marijuana+march%22 --Many MMM images worldwide!


More MMM links. [TopLink]
*MillionMarijuanaMarch.com does not have updated city lists.
http://MillionMarijuanaMarch.com and

*Old MMM 2002 city list used for distribution to others.
https://www.angelfire.com/rnb/y/mmm2002pr.htm and

Pass on this link below! You are here:

*MMM. Many LINKS. Million Marijuana March. World Cannabis Day. Global Marijuana March. Cannabis Liberation Day. Hundreds of different cities worldwide since 1999. The first Saturday in May (or that weekend, or thereabouts). Rallies, marches, concerts, events, meetings, parties, raves, info-tables, etc.. Links for event navigators, alphabetical city lists, contact lists, email lists and archives, photos, flyers and posters, rally report compilations over the years, media coverage, videos, MMM history, search shortcuts, FAQs, and more. Where to send your MMM city info, corrections, reports, etc.. Confirm your city yearly! MMM mirror links:
https://www.angelfire.com/rnb/y/mmmlinks.htm and


MMM email lists, forums, archives. [TopLink]

*MMM email lists, forums, archives. Million Marijuana March. Global cannabis liberation. Hundreds of cities worldwide since 1999. Weekend of first Saturday in May. Mirror pages:
https://www.angelfire.com/rnb/y/mmmlists.htm and


MMM pages. How-to, FAQs, etc.. [TopLink]

A narrow summary (good for pasting in email) first:
Web address links in the MMM city lists at their web
locations were often made clickable all at once by using the
message preview at the Cannabis.com Politics message board:
Links for your city that don't click, or don't click
correctly, can be fixed
if you point out any problems with a
particular MMM city link. Use the online contact form here:
Most email and forums will
automatically make the links correctly clickable if the
links are correctly written. To learn more please go here:
A common error is not putting http:// in front of web address
Or not having a blank space at the beginning and
especially the end
of either a web address or an email
address. Correcting these things will allow the links to
click correctly in the widest variety of email and forums.

Please let Dana Beal know if a link for your city on the main MMM city list does not click correctly in some places. He can correct his master city list, add spaces, separate duplicate links adjacent to each other, eliminate duplicates, eliminate chevrons (carets) <<>>, etc..

Also, please send MMM city updates and corrections to others who maintain regional or global MMM city lists online.

Cannabis.com message boards normally do not make email addresses clickable. The board software ignores email addresses with blank spaces at the beginning and end of them. Those email addresses that it does make clickable are messed up, and don't click correctly. It seems that those email addresses that have chevrons << >> (carets) around part of their address, and that also consist of 2 duplicate parts pushed next to each other, are the ones that are made clickable (though incorrectly clickable). For example; look at this doubled email address for the MMM city of Basel, Switzerland below. 

It should just be:

Link-clicking errors sometimes occur due to HTML code getting mixed in somehow in a plain-text MMM city list. There are several ways that this can happen. One can inadvertently copy or paste the HTML instead of the plain text. Chevrons <<>> (also called carets) and "mailto:" are used in HTML code as part of clickable links. But not in plain-text such as the MMM city list. The chevrons and "mailto:" really mess things up. Please delete them, and substitute spaces instead. Especially for web addresses.

If anyone knows of other software that will instantly convert all web addresses in a message or article into clickable links,
then please tell some MMM people of it by using this contact webform:

There are many forums and email list archives. They make links clickable in different ways. See for yourself by posting the MMM city list at them.

Please forward MMM city lists as plain text email. Plain text email uses less than half the kilobytes of HTML email. The plain-text links are made clickable by most people's email program or service. Some email software makes only the web addresses clickable, but not the email addresses.

Great for creating plain-text email (of almost unlimited length)
out of email and web pages. In freeware version of NoteTab just copy, paste, and compile the parts desired. Also, one can create narrow columns. First get rid of all existing line breaks within paragraphs by selecting the text, and then clicking "Lines" in the "Modify" menu. Then click "Join Lines." To create narrow columns use the "properties" command in the document menu. Check the "Wrap to Column" box. Choose column width by number of characters. Nearly all World Drug War website charts are under 60 characters wide (the "costs" charts are 70 characters wide). In the shareware version of NoteTab you can skip the above steps and just use the "reformat" command in the Modify/Lines menu. For more info, and quick downloads of the program:

http://www.notetab.com/download.htm NoteTab download page.
http://www.notepad.com Other free Notepad replacement programs.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Notepad2 Notepad2.

NoteTab can count all the MMM city paragraphs (after the line breaks within the paragraphs are eliminated). Use the "Text Statistics" command in the Tools menu. Then click the "More" button. Then go the bottom of the results in order to see the number of paragraphs. Divide by 2 to account for the blank lines between MMM city paragraphs.

WordPad, Microsoft Word, or the highly-rated freeware word processors AbiWord or NoteTab Light can be used to find all the chevrons (carets) <<>> that are around links, and to replace them all with blank spaces. Just use the "replace" command (in the edit or search menu). Replace them all at once.

MS Word and AbiWord can also count all the paragraphs (one per city) in the wide-format (no line breaks) MMM city list. Click "word count" in the tools menu. Its results give the paragraph count.
http://www.webattack.com/get/abiword.shtml --Download page for freeware AbiWord.

To count the paragraghs with the "word count" tool don't use the narrow-column format of the MMM city list. That is because it has line breaks on every line, and each one will be counted as a paragraph. Use the paragraph format of the MMM city list that does not have line breaks.

The Opera or Netscape browsers can be used to see a list of all the clickable links on a web page. The Opera browser will even allow one to copy the list of links and paste it elsewhere such as into MS Word or AbiWord, if one wants to count the total links. Click "Links" in the view menu of Opera. The Netscape browser will also provide a list of clickable links, and it will count the links. Click "Page Info" in the view menu of Netscape. The 2 browsers are good tools for quickly checking all the links on a web page and then seeing if any of them are messed up.


Drug war charts, and more. [TopLink]